Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who is Sakti Phoenix

Hello people,

It's been a while since I last updated my blog.

Something important that I forgot to mention way back was who I am, and what is it that I write which maybe interest you one day for reading.

General info:

Sakti Phoenix

Made of: meat.
Resident planet: Earth, but her mind has been spotted in the Moon several times.
Dream: to become a successful writer scientist.
Hobbies: Writing, Painting
Blood type: Otaku + (O+)

Sakti Phoenix has been always enlightened by the mysterious reasons of life. From mythology to science fiction, she has developed a style that is quite different from many of the authors you have read before. Definitely she will tell you: my books are a product of my imagination, I do not pretend to become the new Marquez!!!!

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